Thursday, January 17, 2013


Assalamualaikum WBT.

Listen! (ok, lame. haha)
Fuhh. Hebat sungguh gelombang listen di Facebook, Youtube dan sebagainya.
(Nampak sgt xde keje lain, duk ngadap laptop je) -.-
Tapi yg paling best, bila tgk respond kawan2 terhadap isu tersebut.
"Hek eleh, tak rasional langsung tindakan beliau"
"Dah beliau yang biadap dulu, mmg patut pun"
"B.E.R.S.I.H!". Eh.
Dan segala parody dan video dan status2 yang berkisar perkara tersebut.
Saya rasa semua orang dah ada pandangan masing2.
Apa yang penting, pandangan dan tindakan kita tu, tak dipengaruhi hawa nafsu semata, insyaAllah.

Ada orang, dia boleh main 4 set badminton match sekaligus, tapi dia x menang satu pun.
Ada orang, dia main 2 set, bole menang dua2, tapi x larat nak sambung dah.

Macam tu kot ek kehidupan.
Ada orang, dia boleh dan sanggup je buat banyak benda, tapi satu pun x menjadi.
Tapi, ada org lain, asal dia buat je, jadi. Tapi, dia x mampu nak buat banyak benda.

Tak kisahlah anda org yang mana.
Yang banyak tenaga, tapi kurang skil tu ke.
Yang mmg terer lagi bergaya, tapi kurang tenaga tu ke.
Yang penting, ikhlas dan mengharap redha Allah semata.

Maulid Nabi.
Sesungguh-sungguhnya, saya sangat tak pasti apa pendirian saya tentang menyambut Maulid Nabi.
Tapi saya yakin, pendapat2 yang mengatakan tak boleh sambut tu, adalah sebab tak bersetuju dengan tindakan untuk mengagungkan satu hari tu sahaja.
Maka saya tak rasa salah kalau saya nak ajak diri sendiri dan kawan2 untuk sama2 hidupkan sunnah2 Nabi dalam kehidupan kita kan?

Sebenarnya, semangat dan eksaited sebab dah beli buku yang duk frust masa xde stock dulu.
A day with the Prophet.

Tapi, saya x mampu kot share semua. Setakat termampu je lah ye?
Dan insyaAllah it will be 2-3 hadis per post.

Ok, Listen. (Adehh, sorry, can't helpp)

1. To begin any act with Basmallah (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم)

“ANY SIGNIFICANT ACT that does not begin ‘in the name of Allah’ is severed.” (Nasa’i)

Imam Ahmad and the Sunan compilers recorded that Abu Hurayrah, Sa`id bin Zayd and Abu Sa`id narrated from the Prophet ,

«لَا وُضُوءَ لِمَنْ لَمْ يَذْكُرِ اسْمَ اللهِ عَلَيْهِ»

(There is no valid ablution for he who did not mention Allah’s Name in it.)

This Hadith is Hasan (good). Also, the Basmalah is recommended before eating, for Muslim recorded in his Sahih that the Messenger of Allah said to `Umar bin Abi Salamah while he was a child under his care,

«قُلْ بِسْمِ اللهِ وَكُلْ بِيَمِينِكَ وَكُلْ مِمَّا يَلِيكَ»

(Say Bismillah, eat with your right hand and eat from whatever is next to you.)

-Rujukan :
Tafsir Ibn Kathir.

2. To do small good deeds, regularly.

A'isha said that Rasulullah saw said: "The deeds most loved by Allah (are those) done regularly, even if they are small." (Bukhari, Muslim)

But, we can always try to do as much deeds as we can, as frequent as we can.
No rush, but worth a try. Start small, aim high.

(Akakk, x jumpa post tuu, yang akak share dgn sy tuu.. T_T)

Alright. I think that's all for now.
Till fingers meet keyboard, till the eyes meet the monitor, InsyaAllah.


P/s: There's something I wanted to share.
Just a few more clicks insyaAllah.
Spread the word!

"We demand that all Syrian students at UK universities are able to complete their studies without suffering any financial hardship caused by the ongoing situation in Syria. The situation has resulted in many Syrian students fees and grants no longer being paid. We urgently call on the Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon. William Hague MP and Rt. Hon. Dr Vince Cable MP, Minister for Business, Innovation and Skills to ensure that all Syrian students can complete their education."

Sign the petition now:

More details here.

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