Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy birthday.

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Syeikh Sajid Umar explained about the dream of Yusuf AS, about the sun, the moon and the stars.

In a family, the sun is like the dad, the moon is like the mother, and the stars is like the children.
The sun shines so brightly and gloriously on the day. The moon shines not as bright as the sun, but is still so adorable and pretty. The stars will go twinkling and 'playing around' only when the moon is there. The moon actually get it's light from the sun.
The dad is the one to go out and work to sustain the family as he is the 'source of energy' to the family. He is the one to protect the whole family. The mom is so pretty and adorable to her family. She is the one to take a good care of her 'twinkling stars', her children.

Saudara Aiman Azlan bercerita tentang Perkahwinan dalam Sebuah Kereta.  Err, baca sendiri boleh, malas nak huraikan. Hehe.
Teringat perjalanan pulang ke kampung bersama keluarga.

Berkongsi cerita tentang Surah Lukman, ayat 1-20.  Nasihat seorang ayah kepada anaknya. Sampai kepada ayat 14, ".........bersyukurlah kepada-Kundan kedua orang tuamu........."
Betapa kita seharusnya memuliakan kedua orang tua kita selepas Allah.

Ok, nampak kemalasan di situ kan? Bits here and bits there.

Apa point nak cerita sebenarnya?

Pertama, sy rindu keluarga saya. Tak, bkn homesick. Rindu.

Secondly, been here and there, met him, her and them, watched this and that happening, heard these and those stories, made me felt so blessed, alhamdulillah. And one of the thing that I am feeling really greatful of is my family. They who raised me up and loved me and accepted me the way I am. And I really hope that I can be a good daughter and sister to them, insyaAllah.

Ketiga, it's my dad birthday today, which explains the title of the post! hehe.


P/s : Summer holiday coming to it's end. Mixed feelings. :l


  1. kenape bits here and there jeeeee? zetotttt! :P

  2. haha,akakk... :p

    bits here n there sbb mata hampir tertutup waktu menulis ni, tp nk tulis jugak..
    penangan nasik tomato sungguh.. hehe
