Apa khabar iman dan amal kita ? =)
Ok, kenapa tajuknya berbunyi bgitu? Sebab xde idea nk letak apa ..
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Seorang anak lelaki dan ibunya berborak-borak di dlm kereta .. tajuknya, ingat Allah ..
(ok, sy x ingat la pulak kan mcm mana bole terkeluar tajuk ni .. straight to da point je lah ye)
Anak : Kalau ada duit, lg ingat Allah mak .. kalau xde duit, mesti susah hati, duk fikir nape lah jadi mcm ni ..
Ibu : pulak dah .. tu la yg salahnya .. sepatutnya bila2 pn kena ingat Allah .. kalau byk duit, ha, tu rezeki dari Allah .. syukur .. kalau xde duit, haa, tu ujian dari Allah .. ujian2 kan tanda Allah syg kita? syukur .. lepas tu, bila buat amalan tu, jgn la duk fikir buat sbb nk dpt fadhilatnya tu semata2 .. contohnya, semangat solat Dhuha, sbb tu kan pintu rezeki .. tp niatnya dah kerana rezeki, bkn kerana Allah .. buat je, dapat x dapat sesuatu kebaikan tu, Alah yg tentukan .. kan?
A : ......
(dialog telah direka ikut sesedap rasa .. tapi rasanya itulah mesej yg cuba disampaikan.. wallahualam)
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Menonton sebuah rancangan di TV9 .. tahu apa yg dibincangkan?
MODEL MUSLIMAH .. urm, 'menarik' bukan?
lebih menarik bila melihat kesungguhan mereka berlatih dan bermake-up ..
dan yg paling nk highlight, ayat salah seorg model bila ditemu ramah ,
"model muslimah ni x mcm model2 lain kat luar sana, kita x bukak aurat dll etc2 , so saya rasa SELAMAT"
p/s : sy x tahu apa pendapat org lain ..
terpulang utk membangkang pendapat sy, tp sy x stuju .. lg2 part rasa SELAMAT tu .. wallahualam ..
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dah x relevan ke ayat ni? hurmmm ... |
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Pengalaman berkecimpung dalam dunia pekerjaan dan perniagaan, buat sy rasa cuak nk abeskan degree .. (la, sy kan bakal cikgu insyaAllah, apa kaitan dgn perniagaan? ) .. memetik status fesbuk yg dah diolah ,
sedang berhadapan dgn realiti org2 bekerja .. haihhh, cuakk .. bila hal keadilan dan amanah mentioned .. bila harta dunia dan saham akhirat perlu diperjelaskan ..
keadilan dan amanah? yes, bila ada org pecah amanah, maka sy rasa dia tidak berlaku adil terhadap org lain di sekelilingnya, berlaku kezaliman di situ .. bila duit mengaburi mata manusia, sampai sanggup mengingkari janji .. manusia sanggup merendah2kan org lain, hanya kerana tidak berpuas hati akan hasil buat dirinya yg dirasakan x setimpal dgn usahanya .. dengan realiti umat yg mmg liat nk berpuasa nya, puasa tp x solat nya .. Allahu Allah .. Kau terimalah segala amal kami yg sedikit dan rosak ini Ya Allah .. T_T
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Dah buat persiapan raya? baju raya, kuih2 raya .. (apa la masalahnya ni, baru je puasa, da nk raya?) .. ye lah, kalau dah buat persiapan awal2 kan senang .. x payah susah2 mencari itu dan ini di malam2 terakhir Ramadhan .. x ke kita yg rugi nnt?
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LBNL .. dalam satu program, kami diminta utk tulis satu sifat yg nk dicapai spnjang prgram tersebut .. maka azam sy adalah utk mnjadi lebih organized .. xtaw la berjaya ke x .. tp mcm suka sgt peringatan2 yg diberi oleh Abu Productive, sejak bermulanya Ramadhan ..
1 : Assalamu'alaikum!
Can you feel it? Can you feel Ramadan in the air? No? Don't worry, these practical tips will definitely get you in the Ramadan mood:
1. Start fasting regularly: Ayesha - May Allah be pleased with her - said: "I never saw the Messenger of Allah fast a complete month except for Ramadan, and I have never seen him fast more in a month than he did in Shaban." [Bukhari, Muslim]
2. Learn about the Fiqh of fasting: what's allowed and what's not allowed and get answers to questions you always had each Ramadan (e.g. Does having a medical injection invalidate fast? Am I allowed to brush my teeth whilst fasting?..etc). Even better if you join a pre-Ramadan course taught by a scholar so you can ask him/her all your questions.
[Here are couple links that might help:
a. http://www.noesisinstitute.
b. http://www.sunnipath.com/
3. Visit the new Ramadan 2011 30 Day Countdown blog: http://theramadancountdown.
Hope the above gets you into Ramadan spirits!
p.s. Stay tuned for SUPER-EXCITING announcements next week from http://ProductiveRamadan.com!
- Abu Productive
Assalamu’alaikum, zatie
Do you remember last Ramadan? How was it? Was it productive, or did you barely survive?
The reason I’m asking is because if you had an unproductive Ramadan last year, I don’t want you to repeat it this year. Feeling guilty about last year’s Ramadan won’t benefit you unless you can use that guilt to light up a burning desire in your hear to do better this year and improve yourself and not fall in the same traps like last year.
On the other hand, if you had a super productive Ramadan last year, hamdulilla! Try to recall what worked for you last year and how you can improve on that. Also feel free to share with me some of your best tips to staying productive during Ramadan and I’ll be sure to share some of it with our readers.
Yours sincerely,
Abu Productive
Whenever we think of ‘unproductive people’ during Ramadan, we think of people who waste time staying up all night watching TV, and sleeping the whole day till Asr (or sometimes right through to Maghrib!) They barely read Quran, don’t have time for charity, and rarely attend taraweeh prayers..
But there’s another type of unproductive person during Ramadan:
These are the workaholics, those who barely have time to worship Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) during Ramadan because they are so busy with life/work/family and everything else they are involved in. They too give no time to read the Quran, barely give charity, and taraweeh prayer is simply out of the question!
You may argue that this is not too bad, at least they are ‘productive’. But are they? Or are they wasting their Ramadan? In the grand scheme of things, if they died today, will all their ‘busy-ness’ benefit them or will it be a ‘waste’?
We need to be careful of this second type of unproductivity… it affects us all, especially those with busy schedules. Ramadan can easily slip from us due to our busy lifestyles and we’ll only regret it on the last day of Ramadan, so let’s not regret it this year!
If you want to find out how to manage your priorities, time and have a productive balanced lifestyle this ramadan then join me on our exclusive ramadan membership course at www.leadingproductivelives.com
Yours sincerely,
Abu Productive
As we reach day 4 of ramadan, that means we’ve only got 25/26 days of Ramadan left! It’s important therefore that we spend the last 10-15 minutes of each day of Ramadan reviewing our day and asking ourselves how productive we’ve been. (This could be a simple mental exercise that you do or you actually use pen and paper and write in your daily journal).
If your day was productive, ask yourself: what went right, what were the ingredients that made this day productive? How can I replicate this experience each day? Also don’t forget to thank Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) for blessing you for a productive day.
If it was unproductive, ask yourself what went wrong? How can I avoid such a day ever repeating itself during Ramadan? Ask Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) to help you make your future days productive. Renew your intention and be positive that if you are granted life then the next day will be better.
You want to be constantly developing and improving each day during Ramadan, so that by the last 10 days you’re at your peak inshaAllah!
Yours sincerely,
Abu Productive!
Perhaps the most powerful realisation that a Muslim goes through during Ramadan is the understanding that his time, his prayers, his work, and his life belongs to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) and should be directed to Him alone. As Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him) said:
‘Say: “Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the World’. (The Holy Quran, Surah Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #162)
Therefore, our productivity and efforts, should be directed to Him and to what He is pleased with. Sometimes we just do actions for the sake of it, and don’t really consider the intention behind it yet we know our actions are judged by the intention.
Next time, ask yourself before you embark on any productive activity, “Is this for Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) or not?”.
Have a ProductiveRamadan day!
Abu Productive
In our day to day battle to continuously stay productive during Ramadan, it’s easy to become obsessed with some of the physical productivity issues; how many hours did I sleep today? How many calories did I consume? Did I exercise today?..
Even though checking the above from time to time is important, remember our physical productivity is only a means and not the end goal itself. In our definition as ProductiveMuslims: ‘physical productivity is about optimising your physical ability to enable you to serve Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) better and worship Him better.’
What you should be concerned about are the following questions: Did Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) accept my fasting today? Did I pray on time with all the Sunnahs? Did I read Quran today? Did I understand every word? Remember ramadan is not about just making it to the iftar table at the end of the day, rather it is about attaining a new level of spirituality with Allah through your act.
To read more check out ‘How to Survive a 16 Hour Fast’ http://bit.ly/Howtopart1(Part 1) and http://bit.ly/howtopart2 (Part 2) &
'Does Fasting Kill Your Productivity' http://bit.ly/killpropart1 (Part 1) and http://bit.ly/killpropart2 (Part 2) articles on the website.
Yours sincerely,
Abu Productive
Akhirulkalam, jangan lupa utk refresh niat kita dalam apa pun yg kita buat .. bukan jumlah amal yg menentukan segalanya, tapi rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah semata-mata .. JOM! ikhlaskan niat keranaNya !
In our day to day battle to continuously stay productive during Ramadan, it’s easy to become obsessed with some of the physical productivity issues; how many hours did I sleep today? How many calories did I consume? Did I exercise today?..
Even though checking the above from time to time is important, remember our physical productivity is only a means and not the end goal itself. In our definition as ProductiveMuslims: ‘physical productivity is about optimising your physical ability to enable you to serve Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) better and worship Him better.’
What you should be concerned about are the following questions: Did Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) accept my fasting today? Did I pray on time with all the Sunnahs? Did I read Quran today? Did I understand every word? Remember ramadan is not about just making it to the iftar table at the end of the day, rather it is about attaining a new level of spirituality with Allah through your act.
To read more check out ‘How to Survive a 16 Hour Fast’ http://bit.ly/Howtopart1(Part 1) and http://bit.ly/howtopart2 (Part 2) &
'Does Fasting Kill Your Productivity' http://bit.ly/killpropart1 (Part 1) and http://bit.ly/killpropart2 (Part 2) articles on the website.
Yours sincerely,
Abu Productive
Akhirulkalam, jangan lupa utk refresh niat kita dalam apa pun yg kita buat .. bukan jumlah amal yg menentukan segalanya, tapi rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah semata-mata .. JOM! ikhlaskan niat keranaNya !
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