Thursday, February 24, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt ..
It's 2.40 am .. oh, sy x kiasu pn, dah tido dh .. dh ckup 5 jam .. heheh ..

Kenapa doraemon ? 
oh, saje .. teringat ade 1 barang doraemon tu, dia mcm bole buat kite taw ape org lain fikir .. mcm bace fikiran org mcm tu la .. n penah je terfikir nk ade benda tu, sbb sy rase sy slalu buat sesuatu di luar kesedaran .. selalunya kalau org terasa atau tersinggung dgn kita, bkn senang nk di'reveal' .. dah kalau org yg bersalah tu jenis 'nenek tua' mcm sy, smpai ke sudah x settle .. so, teringin la nk gadget tu, senang .. 
tapi bila fikir balek, kalau sy lah kan, ade je benda yg sy selalu dok fikir pasal, kata lah si A, tp sy xnak dia taw sbb mgkin belum masanya atau sy tahu je dia x sengaja atau apa2 lah .. jadi sy fikir org lain pn mesti mcm tu jugak .. so, gadget doraemon x diperlukan di sini .. 
Allah dh cipta kita dgn semua gadget yg diperlukan .. cukup sempurna ..  titik ..

~so random~

ok, sy sedih sbnarnya sbb kehilangan data yg dikumpulkan mlm semalam (ok, copy paste je) .. tp sy yakin kalau sy ikhlas buat menda tu semalam, ada la insyaAllah hikmahnya di situ .. 
sama la mcm kehidupan .. x perlu nk fikir apakah hasil dari ape yg kita buat akn dilihat org atau x, ataupun ape faedahnya kalau buat tu, ape yg dpt kalau buat ni .. selagi benda yg kita nk buat tu selari dgn syariat Allah dan RasulNya, buatlah sehabis baik .. selagi boleh beri kebaikan kat org, buatlah bersungguh-sungguh .. have faith in Allah and His blessings .. 

semoga bermanfaat utk diri sendiri dan org lain ..


ok, cukup masa rehat .. 


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maulud Nabi (7)

(Day 7)

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"O you who have believed, fear Allah and believe in His Messenger;
 He will [then] give you a double portion of His mercy 
and make for you a light by which you will walk and forgive you
and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
Insha’Allah today is going to be the final day of the ‘Rahmatan lil ‘alamin’ campaign. 
Hopefully we have gained a better recognition about the Prophet saw 
though a week is definitely not enough to tell everything about him. 

Let’s end this campaign (the campaign officially ends today but the act of remembrance should continue insyaAllah) with a very special video of the Prophet Muhammad’s last sermon.

InsyaAllah the last daily reminder would be really short…
jom sama-sama dengar khutbah terakhir ni…
khutbah terakhir Nabi Muhammad saw yang telah lama meninggalkan kita, 
tetapi TIDAK pernah melupakan kita.

We would like to apologize for any wrongdoings through out this campaign 
and hope that Allah will forgive us and guide us to the straight path. 

Finally, let us all ponder on this;
we say that we love the prophet so much, 
and really hope that we can meet him in Jannah,
we get angry when people draw cartoons about him,
but how much have we really proven our love to him through our daily actions?  

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad

p.s.(1) insyaAllah, with Allah's will, we will return next month with another campaign,
 but with a different theme =)
(2) the winners of the quiz will be informed personally by e-mail insyaAllah.


Let's spread the love, and don't forget to do lots of 'selawat' for our 
beloved prophet pbuh.

from the "Rahmatan lil alamin" team,
LUMS 10/11 (Leicester Uni Malaysian Society)

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Maulud Nabi (6)

   Assalamualaikum and greetings to all,

The awaited campaign has finally come! Let’s intensify the love towards our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w. with our daily reminders, insyaAllah =) and share them with others..~!

(Day 6)

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As Muslims, we are wise to include good foods in our diet. Allah has blessed us with many good foods and in the Quran (7:160) it says:
 "Eat of the good foods We have provided for you."

Insyaallah today,let's take a little time to look at how our beloved Rasulullah (saw) ate.

Say 'Bismillah' Before We Eat 
Umar bin Abi Salamah(ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, "Say 'Bismillah', eat with your right hand and eat what is near you." 
General Meaning--No matter where we are , we should say 'Bismillah' when facing a meal. Always use our right hand and never with our left hand. Also, eat those food which are near to us and do not stretch our arms to take those food which are further away as this will only show a greedy attitude. 
Never Speak ill of A Meal 
Abu Hurairah (ra) said."Rasulullah (saw) never once spoke ill of a meal. If he liked it, he ate it and if he did not like it, he left it untouched." 
General meaning--To speak ill of the food served by someone is bad. Such an act tells of someone ungrateful. Imagine the amount of hard work that goes into preparing and serving the food. It hurts a mother to hear her effort being slighted. Thus if you like it, eat it but if you don't , just leave it with gentle words and never with an angry tone. 
Never Have Leftover Food 
Jabir(ra)related that Rasulullah(saw) had asked for the leftovers of food on the plate and those stuck on the fingers to be cleaned while saying, "You do not know which part of your food that carries the blessings." 
General meaning--It is bad to have leftovers when eating as those leftover food are part of God's gift to us. Make it a habit not to have any leftover even of the slightest bit. If we are quite full in the first place, do not take the food in excess. Always try to finish those food which are left on the plate and those stuck on our fingers. Maybe those leftovers are the ones that carry the blessing. 
Pick Up The Food that Fell 
Anas(ra) related that Rasulullah(saw) said, "If the food that you are eating falls, pick it up and clean it. Then eat it and not leave it for the satan." 
General meaning--If it happens that the food you are eating falls and it can be cleaned, pick it up to be eaten. If not, the food will be wasted and wasting is the habit of satan. But if the food which falls cannot be cleaned or if it falls on a very dirty spot, do not eat it or it will only cause illness. 
Do Not Drink While Standing 
Ali(ra) related that Rasulullah(saw) said , "Let none of you drink while standing." 
General meaning--Drinking while standing is taken as a rude and snobbish act. Muslims should never try to imitate the unbelievers. If however, we cannot find a seat, it is excusable to drink while standing. It is still required for us to sit while eating or drinking.

more hadiths can be found here 

Next,let's look at the food Rasulullah(saw) always take during his life....(^_^)

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So here, is a short video which will tell you about foods that Rasulullah (saw) always takes in his daily life.

Link of the video: (click here)

Source : (here) and (here)

p.s. don't forget to participate in our quiz tomorrow =)


Let's spread the love, and don't forget to do lots of 'selawat' for our 
beloved prophet pbuh.

from the "Rahmatan lil alamin" team,
LUMS 10/11(Leicester Uni Malaysian Society)
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Semoga usaha kecil semua dalam menyuburkan perasaan cinta kepada rasulNya, Muhammad SAW, diredhaiNya insyaAllah .. selamat beramal ! =)